About TopDog Group
As more and more people experience discontent and frustration, searching for a greater sense of purpose has become widespread. While looking for lasting fulfillment in an uncertain world, few find it. Stress-induced physical disturbances only serve to exacerbate what is already a volatile quality of life.
Employees are feeling undervalued, unappreciated and powerless. Many who search for their "perfect" job find it a challenging process. Competition among job candidates, fewer jobs available and pervasive use of ineffective search strategies quickly produce frustration and defeat.
Others explore entrepreneurship, but quickly discover that a significant lack of business savvy and website expertise, widespread use of weak business models and ineffective marketing strategies, and strong competition, rapidly diminish the capacity to create success in a consistent manner.
TopDog Group was created as a meaningful response to the challenges life presents. We utilize powerful strategies that help transform these challenges into opportunities while clearly defining optimal pathways toward desired endpoints. Our clients achieve their goals while finding greater significance to their lives.
We are committed to providing the highest quality of support and to bring to each person a greater understanding of their potential and worth - and the means by which these can be accessed, harnessed and actualized.
Our mission is to help you overcome obstacles and prepare you to succeed in life in the most efficient way, quickly turning challenges into opportunities that represent perfect life choices.
We are dedicated to your success. We want you to win. We are here to help you turn your dreams into reality.
About David Richter
As president of TopDog Group, David Richter is a recognized authority in life, career and business coaching, strategic marketing, mission discovery, business turnaround and website design. He possesses extensive expertise in a diverse background that includes recruitment, staffing, outplacement, counseling psychology and career management. He has also spent many years as a marketing specialist guiding small businesses and top Fortune 500 companies in the areas of business development and corporate direction. He offers a wealth of information, a pioneering strategy and an inspirational approach not found anywhere else.
In working with clients, David focuses on those aspects of a person's life that can be improved, and accountability in those areas where control can be exercised. Tailored strategies encompassing realistic goal-setting and timelines are developed, obstacles are identified, progress is monitored and results tracked. Continual encouragement and unconditional support provide a safe and successful journey.
David understands the mechanisms for success. He has shown countless individuals how to unlock their potential and capitalize on their strengths to achieve significant growth and make a real difference in their lives.
With David's help, your success is assured
David holds a Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Counseling Psychology. He has authored several books and articles on a variety of subjects including entrepreneurship and career transition.
Copyright © 2003 - 2021 TopDog Group.
All rights reserved
Penn Valley, PA